Why Choose Aluminium Shutters?
Traditionally, plantation shutters are made of timber. Some people call them louvers but there is a technical difference. The panels of the louvers are static while the more modern shutter panels can be adjusted to let the light in.
Other varieties of shutters include PVC, vinyl and aluminium, but the latter is more popular because its corrosion resistant. Aside from that, aluminium shutter panels also have a protective layer, which eliminates harsh UV rays, making it a perfect a window covering during summer.
When it comes to security, you should know that aluminium shutter doors and windows come with a latch or lock that keeps it intact and stable. These locks can only be accessed inside, therefore, break-ins are prevented. Most importantly, privacy at home can be enjoyed since the panels can be adjusted according to your preferences. If closed, the rod can still be adjusted to let minimal light in.
Aluminium shutters can also be customised to get the exact measurement of doors, windows and even roofs. For the outdoor area, opening and closing roofs are perfect for relaxation and comfort. With a covering, homeowners can utilise their home better, without sacrificing design aesthetics.
Shopping Guide
With an untrained eye, one cannot easily distinguish the differences of each type. When shopping for shutters, size and material are crucial in the purchasing decision. Aluminium is a good choice for both interior and exterior areas of the house. Stick to this material if you want something that’s easy to clean and maintain.
PVC plantation shutters are a lot cheaper compared to wood and aluminium but don’t last for a long time.
For aluminium shutter doors, choose a treatment that compliments glass balcony sliding doors. The mounting options must be broad and allow for multi track window style or dual track.
For the roof, consider something that’s powder coated and with natural anodise finishing. Don’t forget to check if the package comes with gutter and corner spout for a downpipe.

Other considerations include:
It’s best to consider your location when purchasing an aluminium shutter roof, windows and doors. If it’s always raining and your home will be exposed to lots of moisture, then go for the aluminium.
Where do you plan to install the aluminium shutters? Note aluminium is perfect for either indoor or outdoor areas. Because of its anti-corrosive property, it can withstand constant moisture and high humidity conditions.
High-ceiling houses require motorised shading systems for convenience. After all, it would be too hard to adjust the panels every time you wish to. Get a shading solution that comes with a remote controller and optimal wall switch.
Your house must maintain its elegance even after adding a few treatments. Another good thing is that aluminium shutters are perfect for open verandas, swimming pool areas, gardens and more.
Overall, this treatment is practical and efficient because of its unique qualities. Install aluminium doors, windows and roofs today to make your home relaxing, secured and stylish.